Scouts are young people usually aged between eleven and fourteen years old, with an option to continue until sixteen. Boys and girls can join Scouts on entering Grade Six, through to Grade Nine.
The Scout program emphasizes having fun while encouraging youth to feel good about themselves, their friends and family, God, and the environment. The Scout program helps youth expand their leadership skills and gain self confidence.
The Scout program is designed around a lively variety of activities based on personal and group interests. Scouts emphasizes outdoor and environmental activities, citizenship and community service, leadership, and personal development. Individual interests and skills are recognized through an awards system.
The outdoors is an essential part of the Scout program. Weekend events, extended hikes, no trace camping and seasonal sports opportunities round out the Scout experience. Developing an active, healthy lifestyle is the prime goal.
Scouts meet in a group called a troop. The troop is split into smaller groups called patrols. There is one leader for every six Scouts. Each Scout learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development. Scouts meet Thursdays 7pm - 8.30pm at The Elks Hall.